Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Essay on drug

Essay on drug

essay on drug

Drug Addiction Essay words: Intoxication weakens a person’s immune system; it causes various mental and physical illnesses; this problem can be short term or long term. The kind of medicine a person consumes, how much he destroys it and the duration by which he takes it becomes the basis of various health blogger.comted Reading Time: 9 mins The Drug Of Drugs And Drugs Essay Words | 7 Pages. Introduction heroine is a highly addictive, and also illegal drug. It is made from the resin of poppy plants. The opium is used to make morphine, then further into different forms of heroine. It was from opium that morphine, a derivative, was developed as a pain killer in approximately  · Drug Abuse Essay: Drugs are the new emerging trends in the world. Where knowledge and life values should be something that is inculcated in every mind, the drugs are taking their place and making life itself void. Drugs have positive uses too, but as it is human nature, we tend to bend towards the negative side of the use of blogger.comted Reading Time: 6 mins

Essay About Drugs | Bartleby

ESSAY ON DRUG ADDICTION. The use of intoxicants is as old as civilization itself. To varying degrees, people in all parts of the world have been using intoxicants in one form or the other. In the olden days, essay on drug, this use was confined to some happy or festive occasions only. But as time passed and life become more and more complex and busy, the use of intoxicants went on increasing.

With the progress of science, new and varied types of intoxicating drinks and drugs were invented, essay on drug. Today, in addition to a very large number of drinks and organic intoxicants, several other strong inorganic intoxicants are readily available in the market. The use of intoxicants and drugs is so common today that it has become a worldwide problem.

Neither the poor developing countries nor the rich, affluent countries are free from this menace. The affluent societies have problems of broken homes, late nightclub life, and the absence of social controls. The poor countries, on the other hand, have different problems.

The problems essay on drug food, clothing, and shelter occupy their minds. Under the impact of these problems, the young boys and girls feel frustrated and broken. Most of them try to find consolation or relief in trying to escape from the harsh realities of the world by taking recourse to intoxicating drugs and drinks.

The situation is quite alarming. More and more young boys and essay on drug have become addicts. A survey was recently conducted in essay on drug universities in India. The findings were staggerings. Drug addiction is fast catching hold of young Indian boys and girls. It is mainly confined to big cities like Kolkata, Mumbai, Chennai, and Delhi and the universities and colleges of the country.

Hostels for boys and girls are the homes of these drug addicts. In India, the malady of the use of drugs has come from the west. It has now assumed serious proportions. Most of the students start taking drugs as a matter of fashion or out of a craze for experimentation. But once they start, they can not stop their use. The market is flooded with drugs that induce different types of intoxication.

Most of these drugs are required to be taken to produce sedation or tranquility under strict medical observation and care. They are meant to provide proper treatment of certain diseases of the mind. But boys and girls start taking them without any medical advice, essay on drug. Most of those who start taking drugs are socially maladjusted people. Some of these are unemployed and frutrated while other social of family problems, essay on drug.

The government is duty bound to make a thorough study of the various pros and cons of the problem. Sale of drugs in the open market should be banned.

The problem of unemployment should be tackled on a priority basis. Guidance and counseling bureau manned by experts should be opened in all universities in order to provide advice and guidance to the frustrated youth of the country. Various social and voluntary organizations should take steps to provide proper social security and a respectable living for all such people who feel socially insecure.

Orphans, widows and broken home should be looked after properly. The government should use all its advertising media to educate the people about the harmful effects of intoxicating drugs.

Expert medical aid should be made readily available to wean the addicts away from their malady. Moral education should be introduced in schools and colleges. Pornographic literature and sexy pictures should be banned. Hippies and foreign visitiors who encourage the use of drugs and essay on drug these drugs into the country should be put behind the bars. All these steps can go a long way in saving the country from this menace of drug addiction. In india, the disease is still in a stage of infancy.

It would be proper to nip the evil in the bud. In case it is not done, the disease may take the form of an epidemic and strike a death blow to the great cultural tradition of this country, essay on drug. We must see the writing on the wall and act before it is too late, essay on drug. What defines a drug addict? Substances such as alcohol, marijuana, and nicotine also are considered drugs. What is the best definition of drug addiction? Addiction is defined as a chronic, relapsing disorder characterized essay on drug compulsive drug seeking, continued use despite harmful consequences, and long-lasting changes in the brain.

Read More The 9 parts of the speech, essay on drug. VISIT MY SITE:- Onlinegrammarstudy. THANKS FOR READING, essay on drug. Your email essay on drug will not be published. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for essay on drug next time I comment.

Skip to content Drug Addiction. ESSAY ON DRUG ADDICTION The use of intoxicants is as old as civilization itself. ESSAY ON DRUG ADDICTION Most of those who start taking drugs are socially maladjusted people.

FAQ:- What defines a drug addict? Read More:- The 9 parts of the speech Noun Pronoun verb Adjectives Adverbs Prepositions Antonyms Synonyms VISIT MY SITE:- Onlinegrammarstudy. com THANKS FOR READING ESSAY ON DRUG ADDICTION. KNOWLEDGE OF POWER IN ENGLISH. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be essay on drug. error: Content is protected!!

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essay on drug

 · Long and Short Essay on Drug Addiction in English for Students and Kids. There are two essays listed below. The long essay consists of words and a short essay of words. Long Essay on Drug Addiction in English words. Drug addiction, also known as substance–use disorder, refers to the dangerous and excessive intake of legal and illegal blogger.comted Reading Time: 7 mins  · Drug Abuse Essay: Drugs are the new emerging trends in the world. Where knowledge and life values should be something that is inculcated in every mind, the drugs are taking their place and making life itself void. Drugs have positive uses too, but as it is human nature, we tend to bend towards the negative side of the use of blogger.comted Reading Time: 6 mins  · Words Essay on Drugs; Introduction Drug are addictive in nature. Its addiction is seen as a serious brain disorder. Despite its adverse effects, it is considered as compulsive usage of drugs. Drug addiction is defined as a state where a person is unable to control his urge to use drugs. Besides being chronic, it also has a relapsing nature. Words Essay on DrugsEstimated Reading Time: 5 mins

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