Charles McCarry (June 14, – February 26, ) was an American writer, primarily of spy fiction, and a former undercover operative for the Central Intelligence Agency whom The Wall Street Journal described in as "the dean of American spy writers"; The New Republic magazine calls him "poet laureate of the CIA"; and Otto Penzler says he has produced some Although he had not formally announced his candidacy, it was clear that JFK was going to run and he seemed confident—though not over-confident— about his chances for re-election. At the end of September, the President traveled west speaking in nine different states in less than a week. While the trip was meant to put a spotlight on natural resources and conservation efforts, JFK Students analyze the impact of John F. Kennedy’s death on the passage of the Civil Rights Act of and the Voting Rights Act. Students analyze election data to evaluate the impact of these landmark pieces of legislation on politics in the United States
The Impact of the JFK Assassination on American Politics | National Geographic Society
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Ask students to share what they know about the civil rights movement of the s. Explain to students that they are going to analyze one of the catalysts for the political successes of the civil rights movement—the assassination of President John F. Kennedy—and how those same political successes affected American politics in the s.
At the end of the activity, jfk assassination essay will be expected to summarize their findings in an essay answering the question: To what extent was President Lyndon Johnson correct when he reportedly said, "We have lost the South for a generation"? Have students share what they learned after listening to the speech, jfk assassination essay, and list their responses on a whiteboard or poster paper.
Correct any misconceptions or errors in student responses. Distribute the LBJ and Civil Rights Movement worksheet. As they read the speech on the worksheet, students should respond to the questions.
After working independently, allow students to compare responses with a partner or small group. Ensure that all student responses can be supported with evidence from the text. Share the following information about the Civil Rights Act of InCongress passed the Civil Rights Act and one year later passed the Voting Rights Act. These two laws made segregation and voting discrimination in the United States illegal. While these two laws had major impacts—specifically making discrimination illegal and putting a legal end to years of inequality—these laws also had major impacts on the American political system.
Project the HR. website depicting the voting results of the Senate on the Civil Rights Act of and Voting Rights Act. Ask students:. Tell students they jfk assassination essay now use election data to analyze the extent to which LBJ was correct when he reportedly claimed the Democratic Party lost the South for a generation.
Inform students that as they examine their data, they need to add their findings to this T-chart. Model how to do this with students, using examples from the Senate on the Civil Rights Act of map and electoral map from John F. Ask: How would you categorize the two maps we examined earlier on this T-chart?
In addition to summarized information, add specific data examples from each map to the two columns. Divide the class into jfk assassination essay groups, and provide each group with a computer. Direct students to the websites listed below and instruct them to look at multiple election years. Students write an essay supporting their claims by summarizing their findings. Inform students that their essay must include:.
Allow students to finish the essay for homework. Collect the essay and assess using the provided grading rubric. Have students conduct research to evaluate the effectiveness of the Civil Rights Act of and the Voting Rights Act on ending discrimination in the United States, jfk assassination essay.
Although it occurred after his death, those demographic changes were well underway as the Democratic Party became increasingly progressive, marginalizing southern voters who did not embody the new Democratic platform. Yet this seems to be the obvious response. During the first half of the twentieth century, African-Americans were systematically denied civil rights guaranteed in the Constitution. Barred from voting and forced to endure a demeaning existence in a segregated society, jfk assassination essay, the civil rights movement sought to redress these inequalities, jfk assassination essay.
InPresident John F. Kennedy actively voiced his support for comprehensive civil rights legislation, yet before he was able to push such a bill through Congress, he was assassinated. These two laws had dramatic impacts on American politics. At a state level, jfk assassination essay, Republicans came to dominate southern politics, but the transition happened more slowly.
governmental or social systems based on the belief that one race or ethnic group is superior to others. If jfk assassination essay are already familiar with the history of the civil rights movement in the early twentieth century, do not have them read the pre-lesson handout on civil rights. If students are having a hard time visualing the geographic distribution of the Senate vote in step 4, show this map from Senate Vote for Civil Rights Act H.
If you do not have access to student computers, print out or project relevant data to allow students to jfk assassination essay the activity.
Jfk assassination essay you have access to a document camera, use it to help students set up their T-chart and model effective note taking. The audio, illustrations, photos, and videos are credited beneath the media asset, except for promotional images, which generally link to another page that contains the media credit.
The Rights Holder for media is the person or group credited. For information on user permissions, please read our Terms of Service.
If you have questions about how to cite anything on our website in your project or classroom presentation, please contact your teacher. They will best know the preferred format. When you reach out to them, you will need the page title, URL, and the date you accessed the resource. If a media asset is downloadable, a download button appears in the corner of the media viewer. If no button appears, jfk assassination essay, you cannot download or save the media. Text on this page is printable and can be used according jfk assassination essay our Terms of Service.
Any interactives on this page can only be played while you are visiting our website. You cannot download interactives. On July 2,President Lyndon Johnson signed the most sweeping piece of American civil jfk assassination essay legislation of the century, the Civil Rights Act of Students analyze American news coverage of important political events of the early s.
Voting rights in the United States have not always been equally accessible. African Jfk assassination essay and women of all ethnicities have fought, and continue to fight, especially hard to have their voices heard. Join our community of educators and receive the latest information on National Geographic's resources for you and your students. Skip to content. Account Impact Our Programs Our Explorers Education Classroom Resources Resource Library Mapping Explorer Magazine Professional Development Online Courses Educator Community Grants for Educators Grosvenor Teacher Fellowships Blog Student Experiences GeoChallenge Explorer Classroom Student Matinees Events Visit the Museum Contributing Membership Group Sales Museum Store Browse All Events Watch Past Events Host an Exhibition Funding Opportunities Grants Program Support Our Work.
Twitter Facebook Pinterest Google Classroom. Links website HR. Elicit prior student knowledge about the civil rights movement. Ask students: What do you notice about the geographic breakdown of votes? Does this surprise you? Why or why not? Next, project the electoral map from John F. Ask: How does this compare to the previous map?
National Archives Presidential Election Data Southern Gubernatorial Elections 5. Inform students that their essay must include: An evaluative thesis that fully answers the question Evidence supporting their thesis Explanation of evidence Collect student responses. Informal Assessment Allow students jfk assassination essay finish the essay for homework.
Extending the Learning Have students conduct research jfk assassination essay evaluate the effectiveness of the Civil Rights Act of and the Voting Rights Act on ending discrimination in the United States.
Teaching Approach Learning-for-use. Teaching Methods Discovery learning Discussions Inquiry Multimedia instruction Research. Skills Summary This activity targets the following skills: 21st Century Jfk assassination essay Outcomes Information, Media, and Technology Skills Information Literacy Information, jfk assassination essay, Communications, and Technology Literacy Media Literacy Learning and Innovation Skills Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Critical Thinking Skills Analyzing Evaluating Understanding.
Resources Provided The resources are also available at the top of the page. Background Information During the first jfk assassination essay of the twentieth century, African-Americans were systematically denied civil rights guaranteed in the Constitution. Prior Knowledge General understanding of the politics of the Jim Crow South Working knowledge of discrimination and tactics used in southern states to suppress African-American voting Understanding of and experience analyzing maps and public opinion data to make inferences and draw conclusions.
Recommended Prior Activities None, jfk assassination essay. Vocabulary discrimination. treatment based on a group to which a person belongs, not the person himself, jfk assassination essay. process of mixing different substances or groups. Jim Crow, jfk assassination essay. the systemic separation of people based on race, religion, or caste. Modification If students are already familiar with the history of the civil rights movement in the early twentieth century, do not have jfk assassination essay read the pre-lesson handout on civil rights.
Tip If students are having a hard time visualing the geographic distribution of the Senate vote in step 4, show this map from Senate Vote for Civil Rights Act H. Tip If students struggle to examine the election maps, project maps and discuss with all students.
Modification If you do not have access to student computers, print out or project relevant data to allow students to complete the activity. Tip If you have access to a document camera, use it to help students set up their T-chart and model effective note taking, jfk assassination essay. Media Credits The audio, illustrations, photos, and videos are credited beneath the media asset, except for promotional images, which generally link to another page that contains the media credit.
Media If a media asset is downloadable, a download button appears in the corner of the media viewer. Text Text on this page is printable and can be used according to our Terms of Service. Interactives Any interactives on this page can only be played while you are visiting our website. Related Resources. Civil Rights Act of View Historic Article. Glued to the Screen. View Activity, jfk assassination essay. Voting Rights Throughout United States History.
The assassination of President John F. Kennedy: Texas authors take a fresh look
, time: 3:33The Other Victims of the JFK Assassination - HISTORY
Although he had not formally announced his candidacy, it was clear that JFK was going to run and he seemed confident—though not over-confident— about his chances for re-election. At the end of September, the President traveled west speaking in nine different states in less than a week. While the trip was meant to put a spotlight on natural resources and conservation efforts, JFK Students analyze the impact of John F. Kennedy’s death on the passage of the Civil Rights Act of and the Voting Rights Act. Students analyze election data to evaluate the impact of these landmark pieces of legislation on politics in the United States Charles McCarry (June 14, – February 26, ) was an American writer, primarily of spy fiction, and a former undercover operative for the Central Intelligence Agency whom The Wall Street Journal described in as "the dean of American spy writers"; The New Republic magazine calls him "poet laureate of the CIA"; and Otto Penzler says he has produced some
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