1 day ago · We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow blogger.com more The Doctor of Philosophy degree in Communications offers a multidisciplinary approach to the study of the relationships between people and media in their cultural, social, political, historical, economic and technological contexts. Learn about admissions, specializations, faculty The history of journalism spans the growth of technology and trade, marked by the advent of specialized techniques for gathering and disseminating information on a regular basis that has caused, as one history of journalism surmises, the steady increase of "the scope of news available to us and the speed with which it is transmitted. Before the printing press was
Journalism and Mass Media Research Topics for your Dissertation - Paper Per Hour
The history of journalism spans the growth of technology and trade, marked by the advent of specialized techniques for gathering and disseminating information on a regular basis that has caused, as one history of journalism surmises, the steady increase of "the scope of news available to us and the speed with which it is transmitted. Before the printing press was invented, word of mouth was the primary source of news. Returning merchantssailors and travellers brought news back to the journalism dissertation, and this was then picked up by pedlars and travelling players and spread from town to town.
Ancient scribes often wrote this information down. This transmission of news was highly unreliable and died out with the invention of the printing press, journalism dissertation. Newspapers and to a lesser extent, magazines have always been the primary medium of journalists since the 18th century, radio and television in the 20th century, and the Internet in the 21st century, journalism dissertation.
Injournalism dissertation, the government of Venice first published the monthly Notizie scritte "Written notices" which cost one gazzetta[2] a Venetian coin of the time, the name of which eventually came to mean "newspaper". These avvisi were handwritten newsletters and used to convey political, military, and economic news quickly and efficiently throughout Journalism dissertationmore specifically Italyduring the early modern era —sharing some characteristics of journalism dissertation though usually not considered true newspapers.
However, journalism dissertation, none of these publications fully met the modern criteria for proper newspapers, as they were typically not intended for the general public and restricted to a certain range of topics. Early publications played into the development of what would today be recognized as the newspaper, which came about around Around the 15th and 16th centuries, in England and France, long news accounts called "relations" were published; in Spain, they were called "Relaciones", journalism dissertation.
Single event news publications were printed in the broadsheet format, which was often posted. These publications also appeared as pamphlets and small booklets for longer narratives, often written in a letter formatoften containing woodcut illustrations. Literacy rates were low in journalism dissertation to today, and these news publications were often read aloud literacy and oral culture were, in a sense, existing side by side in this journalism dissertation. Bybusinessmen in Italian and German journalism dissertation were compiling handwritten chronicles of important news events, and circulating them to their business connections, journalism dissertation.
Journalism dissertation idea of using a printing press for this material first appeared in Germany around Early precursors were the so-called Messrelationen "trade fair reports" which were semi-annual news compilations for the large book fairs at Frankfurt and Leipzigstarting in the s. The first true newspaper was the weekly Relation aller Fuernemmen und gedenckwürdigen Historien "Collection of all distinguished and memorable news"started in Strasbourg in The Avisa Relation oder Zeitung was published in Wolfenbüttel fromand gazettes soon were established in Frankfurtjournalism dissertation, Berlin and Hamburg By30 German cities had active gazettes.
The journalism dissertation circulated between newsletters through well-established channels in 17th century Europe. Antwerp was the hub of two networks, one linking France, Britain, Germany, and the Netherlands; the other linking Italy, Spain and Portugal.
Favorite topics included wars, military affairs, journalism dissertation, diplomacy, and court business and gossip. Journalism dissertation the national governments in France and England began printing official newsletters.
Newspapers in all major countries became much more important in the 19th century because of a series of technical, business, political, journalism dissertation, and cultural changes. High-speed presses and cheap wood-based newsprint made large circulations possible. The rapid expansion of elementary education meant a vast increase in the number of potential readers.
Political parties sponsored newspapers at the local and national levels. Toward the end of the century, advertising became well-established and became the main source of revenue for newspaper owners.
This led to a race to obtain the largest possible circulation, often followed by downplaying partisanship so that members of all parties would buy a paper, journalism dissertation.
The number of newspapers in Europe in the s and s was steady at about 6,; then it doubled to 12, in In the s and s, most newspapers were four pages of editorials, reprinted speeches, excerpts from novels and poetry and a few small local ads, journalism dissertation. They were expensive, and most readers went to a café to look over the latest issue, journalism dissertation.
There were major national papers in each capital city, such as the London Times, the London Post, the Paris Temps and so on.
They were expensive and directed to the National political elite. Every decade the presses became faster, journalism dissertation, and the invention of automatic typesetting in the s made feasible the overnight printing of a large morning newspaper. Cheap wood pulp replaced the much more expensive rag paper, journalism dissertation.
A major cultural innovation was the professionalization of news gathering, handled by specialist reporters. Liberalism led to freedom of the press, and ended newspaper taxes, along with a sharp reduction to government censorship.
Entrepreneurs interested in profit increasingly replaced politicians interested in shaping party positions, so journalism dissertation was dramatic outreach to a larger subscription base, journalism dissertation. The price fell to a penny. In New York, " Yellow Journalism " used sensationalism, comics they were colored yellowa strong emphasis on team sports, reduced coverage of political details and speeches, a new emphasis on crime, and a vastly expanded advertising section featuring especially major department stores.
Women had previously been ignored, but now they were given multiple advice columns on family and household and fashion issues, and the advertising was increasingly pitched to them. The first newspaper in France, the Gazette de Francewas established in by the king's physician Theophrastus Renaudotwith the patronage of Louis XIII. Under the ancien regime, the most prominent magazines were Mercure de FranceJournal des sçavansfounded in for scientists, and Gazette de France journalism dissertation, founded in Jean Loret was one of France's first journalists.
He disseminated the weekly news of music, dance and Parisian society from until in verse, in what he called a gazette burlesqueassembled in three volumes of La Muse Historique, The French press lagged a generation behind the British, for they catered to the needs the aristocracy, while the newer British counterparts were oriented toward the middle and working classes.
Periodicals were censored by the central government in Paris. They were not totally quiescent politically—often they criticized Church abuses and bureaucratic ineptitude.
They supported the monarchy and they played at most a small role in stimulating the revolution. Journalism dissertation Marat — was the most prominent editor. His L'Ami du peuple advocated vigorously for journalism dissertation rights of the lower classes against the enemies of the people Marat hated; it closed when he was assassinated. After Napoleon reimposed strict censorship. Magazines flourished after Napoleon left in Most were based in Paris and most emphasized literature, poetry and stories.
They served religious, cultural and political communities. In times of political crisis they expressed and helped shape the views of their readership and thereby were major elements in the changing political culture. None were officially owned or sponsored by the Church and they reflected a range of opinions among educated Catholics about current issues, such as the July Revolution that overthrew the Bourbon monarchy.
Several were strong supporters of the Bourbon kings, journalism dissertation, but all eight ultimately urged support for the new journalism dissertation, putting their appeals in terms of preserving civil order.
They often discussed the relationship between church and state. Generally, journalism dissertation, they urged priests to focus on spiritual matters and not engage in politics. Historian M. Patricia Journalism dissertation says this process created a distance between the Church and the new monarch and enabled Catholics to develop a new understanding of church-state relationships and the source of political authority.
The press was handicapped during the war by shortages of newsprint and young journalists, and by an abundance of censorship designed to maintain journalism dissertation front morale by minimizing bad war news. The Parisian newspapers were largely stagnant after the war; circulation inched up to 6 million a day from 5 million in The major postwar success story was Paris Soir ; which lacked any political agenda and was dedicated to providing a mix of sensational reporting to aid circulation, and serious articles to build prestige.
By journalism dissertation circulation was over 1. In addition to its daily paper Paris Soir sponsored a highly successful women's magazine Marie-Claire. Another magazine Match was modelled after the photojournalism journalism dissertation the American magazine Life. John Gunther wrote in that of the more than daily newspapers in Paris, two L'Humanité and Action Française ' s publication were honest; "Most of the others, from top to bottom, have news columns for sale".
He reported that Bec et Ongles was simultaneously subsidized by the French government, German government, and Alexandre Staviskyand that Italy allegedly paid 65 million francs to French journalism dissertation in The government tightly controlled all of the media to promulgate propaganda to support the government's foreign policy of appeasement to the aggressions of Italy and especially Nazi Germany.
There were daily newspapers, all owned separately. The five major national papers based in Paris were all under the control of special interests, especially right-wing political and business interests that supported appeasement.
They were all venal, taking large secret subsidies to promote the policies of various special interests, journalism dissertation. Many leading journalists were secretly on the government payroll.
The regional and local newspapers were heavily dependent on government advertising and published news and editorials to suit Paris, journalism dissertation.
Most of the international news was distributed through the Havas agency, which was largely controlled journalism dissertation the government. By popular journalism in Britain aimed at the largest possible audience, including the working class, journalism dissertation, had proven a success and made its profits through advertising, journalism dissertation.
Alfred Harmsworth, 1st Viscount Northcliffe —"More than anyone shaped the journalism dissertation press. Developments he introduced or harnessed remain central: broad contents, exploitation of advertising revenue to subsidize prices, aggressive marketing, subordinate regional markets, independence from party control.
Prime Minister Lord Salisbury quipped it was "written journalism dissertation office boys for office boys". Socialist and labour newspapers also proliferated and in the Daily Herald was launched as the first daily newspaper of the trade union and labour movement. Newspapers reached their peak of importance during the First World War, in part because wartime issues were so urgent and newsworthy, while members of Parliament were constrained journalism dissertation the all-party coalition government from attacking the government.
By Northcliffe controlled 40 percent of the morning newspaper circulation in Britain, 45 percent of the evening and 15 percent of the Sunday circulation. Lord Beaverbrook said he was, "the greatest figure who ever strode down Fleet Street. Taylorhowever, says, "Northcliffe could destroy when he used the news properly. He could not step into the vacant place, journalism dissertation.
He aspired to power instead journalism dissertation influence, and as a result, forfeited both. Other powerful editors included C. Scott of the Manchester GuardianJames Louis Garvin of The Observer and Henry William Massingham of the highly influential weekly magazine of opinion, The Journalism dissertation. Danish news media first appeared in the s, journalism dissertation, when handwritten fly sheets reported on the news. InAnders Bordingthe father of Danish journalism, began a state paper, journalism dissertation.
The royal privilege to bring out journalism dissertation newspaper was issued to Joachim Wielandt in University officials handled the censorship, but in Denmark became one of the first nations of the world to provide for press freedom; it ended in The press in —, led by intellectuals and civil servants, journalism dissertation, called out for a more just and modern society, and spoke out for the oppressed tenant farmers against the power of the old aristocracy.
Inthe first liberal newspaper appeared one that gave much more emphasis to actual news content rather than opinions.
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